Monday, March 19, 2012

Week Three

Okay, I'm a couple days late, but last week actually went fairly well! I weighed in at 233.9! It felt amazing to know that my "hard work" has actually paid off these past couple of weeks, even though I haven't been as mindful about my eating. I seriously feel like I've been sick for the past 2 months. Flu, Cold, Another Cold. It's been delightful.

Spring break is now over & so is play time with visiting family members. It's time to kick back into gear.

Don't find the time, Make the time.

THAT is my thought this week. With how busy life is, finding time is going to be scarce. Build the habit by scheduling out your week in advance. You can't always plan everything minute by minute, but I always tell my husband that I'm going to go to the gym Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday or a variation of sorts. By telling someone else, you've made a commitment to yourself & the listener.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week Two.Five

Today was slightly discouraging.

I shopped at three different stores, only walking out with maybe one item of clothing. I haven't spent that much time shopping for clothes in 6 months, which coincidentally is about when I got married. Don't get me wrong, I have bought a few shirts & a pair of pants since then, but yesterday as I was looking in my closet, I got extremely frustrated. I was sick of all of my clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. I've always been one to like nice, new clothes, but I haven't had the money or time to go shop for myself. Nor have I had the energy to be let down when I find that none of the clothes I want or like fit.

Today was one of those days.

Even XXL at some places didn't quite fit. I was so frustrated, but I just thought to myself, "It's just the beginning. 15, even 10 more pounds will make you feel better."

& So, I went to Barnes & Noble, found myself a Low Calorie cookbook & I left feeling encouraged! One stupid day of shopping isn't going to bring down my spirits. Although this weigh in might. After 2 consecutive weeks of having family in town, no time to spend at the gym & a much larger amount of time eating, I'm not much looking forward to it. but how I react to what's going on in my life is completely up to me.

Note to Self: Be very mindful of what you eat this weekend, do not lower your standards just because it's an event.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week Two

This week has been rough. I caught some nasty cold/flu over the weekend & didn't have a chance to make it to the gym. It was frustrating, discouraging & miserable, but I kept reminding myself that it was only going to be for a few days & then I can jump right back into my routine.

I couldn't eat much. Mostly chicken broth & toast. Not much nutrition, but it's better than eating a bunch of fatty stuff.

The result of my week, was a loss of .5 lbs. That's it.. But as I look back on the past 2 and a half weeks & realize that i've already lost over 6 lbs, i'm okay with that .5. Next week better watch itself. I'm coming back full force! :]

This weeks thought is about Growing from Trials. Though it may be hard at times, all of it will be worth it. One of my favorite things to remember is that the Lord will never give me something that I can't handle. Therefore, I am going to get the most out of this experience. Being overweight is a weakness, but it's also one of my strengths. Some people have other personal trials, mine is this, which I can & will overcome.

That is all for this week, friends! Stay positive & healthy.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week One

After 10 days, I weighed in at 237.3 lbs! [a loss of 5.7 lbs!] Way more than expected & I can't even begin to express how overjoyed I am with that number. I'm only 11 lbs away from my weight last May & 47 lbs away from my long term goal.

My life lesson this week: Keep up the determination!

It is so easy to let yourself slip, even after a short amount of time. Life can get the best of you. With 3 classes at the U, 30 hours of work, a new church calling, a [relatively] new marriage & photography gigs on the side, life can get overwhelming. Now add at least 30 minutes of gym time to 5 out of 7 days a week. That's a hefty load, even for the most disciplined person [which I most definitely am not, but soon hope to be]. When you are determined & have reason & purpose embedded in your heart, you are bound to succeed. For me, It is thinking about my future family, how I want them to be active & healthy. I will not let them feel the way that I did as a child. 

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

Quite literally sweat & hard work, but in the end, I know that it will be all worth while. Through making my life better now, I can help make a difference in my husbands life, my family's lives, & most of all, the lives of my future children. 

Keeping yourself motivated & determined is key. Everyone falls into the, "Well, maybe I'll just have one..." & then you eat another, & another. I do not exclude myself from the pool, not in the slightest, but giving in to just one cookie, or piece of cake, or other indulgence, is risking what you want most. It scares the crap out of me to be in the same room as that business! But that is when I think in my head a line from one of my favorite movies of all time, 17 Again, "I'll buy all the students laptops!" "No" "You would deny the children laptops?! Ms. Masterson, The children!" & that is where my mind changes. Yes, it is a very distant comparison to my real reasoning, but it works. Everytime! 

So my advice this week, find what out you want out of life & make it happen! Easier said than done, but the sooner you begin...well...better now than later! :]

Until next week!