Hello all, Macquel here. Thank you so much for checking out my blog!

What's behind the name?? Some of my most dear friends started to call me "Quail" not too long ago &, to my surprise, it really stuck. Thus, Quail is here to stay :]

Now let's get down to the nitty gritty!

Here is me 2 1/2 years ago.

Losing weight has always been an issue for me. It has ALWAYS been a roller coaster &, honestly, I know it always will be. Through this blog, I hope to inspire not only others, but myself. I am a strong believer in voicing your goals. Letting someone know what your goals & aspirations so you have someone to help you keep going. 

Here is me now! A whopping 48 lbs leaner!

This blog is dedicated to anyone who battles with, desires or is interested in weight loss. I truly hope to inspire, educate & uplift anyone on a weight loss journey. 

I hope you enjoy my blog & please let me know if you have any tips, tricks, or questions! 

Yours Truly,

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