Friday, December 28, 2012

The Holidays are a Beast!

During the holiday season, there is always a struggle between loss & gain. Luckily, I have only taken one small step back. I gained a pound over Christmas break. I had to remind myself of how hard I've worked & how far I've come. Gaining 1 pound isn't the end of the world & I can still try to make my goal of 210 by Mexico, granted I may not reach my goal, but I could still lose 5 pounds! Heck! That's better than nothing!!

Now on to the good stuff! 
As I was perusing Pinterest, I found this awesome article! It's all of the reasons why you may not be losing weight.

It gives tips & ideas for staying on track & not letting yourself plateau! It's also ridiculously enlightening & gives you a mental checklist of how you can improve. 

Here is one of my favorite excerpts from the article!
You Never Indulge
In an otherwise healthy diet, eating a few french fries or a piece of chocolate cake isn't going to ruin your weight-loss goals. A study found that it isn't necessary to up workout intensity the day after a piece of cake and that a daily variance of as much as 600 calories won't reflect on your waistline, as long as you maintain a healthy diet in the long run. 

Don't forget to let yourself have a little fun in your diet & don't let the rules overwhelm you. My philosophy is that you can have it if you earn it!

Start 2013 bettering yourself & your eating habits! I've spent the last few weeks compiling a list of New Years Resolutions that I know that I can achieve if I set my mind to it. My next post will be all about how to achieve those goals, so stay tuned!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today is the Day!

I anxiously (but mostly hesitantly) stepped on the scale today, a little terrified of what I might see. I haven't done super well with my calories these past few days. I caught some lame cold on Halloween & spent a whole lot of time sitting on my couch & sleeping. It's funny how a few lazy days can make you feel like you've gained 20 pounds. & honestly, felt that I had.

Miraculously enough, 219.4! Two-Nineteen, People! I have reached my goal of "the 2-teens"! & A month & a half early no less! I literally lept for joy! Clint was a witness of this :] Then Clint weighed in & he had lost 2.5 pounds. I am so proud of him & so grateful for the love & support that him & I can share.

This goal was one that I created while Clint & I were dating. I got so close! I believe that the lowest I got before my wedding was 224. & then of course...marriage. That darned thing! :] 20 pounds heavier & then 25 pounds lighter! Here I am & I'm still truckin'! & now it's time to set another short term goal!

210 by Mexico! not to be confused with 310 to Yuma... I would much rather go to Puerto Vallarta, than Yuma, Arizona & I definitely don't want to be 310 pounds...EVER! So here it goes 210 pounds by January 18th! I'm up for the challenge, but man, the more I lose the more I become dependent on my calories for energy. & the more I lose, the "less" I can eat. When I started counting calories on September 10, 2012, I was at 1360 calories, now I'm down to an even 1200. At first, it was difficult to be okay with leaving the meal still feeling hungry, but now it has completely changed. My stomach has shrunk & I have learned that it is okay to be hungry! I have also learned to enjoy my food & eat slowly. Seriously a blessing.

Now go out & share your goals! The people around you can be amazing motivators & can help much! Also, feel free to ask me questions! I want to be here to help, inspire, motivate & enlighten :]

Yours Truly,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Embrace It

Come what may & love it.
Some days are may be more difficult than others.
This season will pass, & a new leaf will turn.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Commitment & Portion Control...A Valuable Lesson

Guess who has officially dropped below their Wedding Weight?! Who knew that just a few weeks of persistant calorie counting & healthy eating could kickstart weight loss? ;] I only find it fighting to post one of my favorites from my bridal session & then one of Clint & I of course! One of the most incredible days of my life...Seriously...

Now onto the good stuff! :]

If there is anything that I have learned over the past five weeks (& ever since I committed to lose weight) is that the sacrifice is always worth it. I have never gone to the gym & regretted it. I have never chosen a healthy meal over an unhealthy one & regretted it. 

The time you take out of your day to go to the gym or to exercise may seem like a large amount of time, but think about the time you spend watching TV, cyber stalking (who are we kidding...we all do it! :]) & sitting on the couch. A mere 45 minutes set aside at least 3 times a week is not a difficult thing. The hardest part about exercise is committing! The last thing I want to do after a long day at work is go to the gym. The moment I walk in the door, I make the decision to immediately put on my gym clothes. As soon as I'm dressed, that is my commitment & I'm out the door!

Clint & I love going on double dates with our family & friends. Therefore, we spend a lot of time researching healthier restaurant or meal options. Our philosophy is if you work hard, save your calories, and earn them, you can eat what you want in moderation. We both have a terrible habit of eating everything that is on the plate, so what I do is split the food into correct portions (because one portion in America could feed a whole tribe of African children!) & then I pack up half of the meal before I even eat anything. That way, I don't feel like I'm wasting half of a plate or food, or feel even the slightest bit of obligation to eat it. Everyone has their own tactic of portion control, but that is by far the easiest way for me, especially when eating out.

What helps you control your portions?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chicken Avocado Sandwich

Well, here comes the first of many recipes! This has easily become my favorite home made chicken sandwich! I am so thrilled with how all of the ingredients just blended together. &....drum roll was 423 calories! No sides necessary, because it was so filling and had amazing flavor! No mayonaise or any other condiment. Only 5 ingredients! Here they are! {minus the avocado}

+ 2 Chicken Breasts {purchased @ Costco, freezer ready 2 breast packages}
+ McCormick Zesty Herb Marinade
+ 2 Small Brown Mushrooms
+ 1/2 Avocado
+ Torta Sandwich Roll {purchased @ Costco}

First prepare the marinade {All it takes is 1/3 cup water, 3 T. Olive Oil & 3 T. White Vinegar} in a large ziplock baggy, which I find is the easiest, cleanest, most disposable way. Pour about 1/3 cup of the marinade into a separate ziplock baggy to marinate the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and put into 1/3 cup separated baggy. Then prepare the chicken by thawing & rinsing. Slice the chicken horizontally & then down the middle vertically. This should make 8 relatively even pieces. Place all chicken in the larger ziplock and marinate for at least a half hour. 

I grilled on our George Foreman {which has recently become my best friend since being recently discovered in a pile of wedding gifts from a year ago...who else can resonate??} & it only took about 6-7 minutes! No turning over necessary. After the chicken was done, I threw the mushrooms on to grill for about 4 minutes {my husband likes them nice & crispy, but they're amazing either way}. 

Cut the torta rolls in half and broil in a toaster oven, or just toast them until they're a little crispy. Cut the whole avocado in half & use 1/4 of the avocado for each sandwich. Cut the avocado into small pieces and spread on the top half of the bun. Place 2 chicken pieces on the bottom half of the bread and put half of the mushrooms on top. & that's it! 

The best thing about this sandwich is that if your really low on calories, you can use a much lighter bread, but honestly, the bread made the sandwich for me! 

Here's the calorie lay out!
Chicken Breast {4 oz} -- 110 Calories 
1/4 Avocado {Medium} -- 75 Calories
1 Torta Roll -- 220 Calories
Mccormick Marinade -- About 15 Calories
1 Brown Mushroom -- 3 Calories
Total: 423 Calories

{{Quote of the Day}}

Yours Truly,

Friday, September 28, 2012

Life Lesson: One

...Never put your happiness in someone else's hands...

This is one of the most amazing life lessons that I have ever learned. As a young child & teenager, I never had much self confidence. I tried to cover my insecurities and fears of social situations with humor. After the nights were through, I would go home and worry endlessly about things I said or did that may have made others look down at me. I would blame my embarrassment on being overweight. I would blame my inability to get asked out on dates on being overweight. I would get my hopes up about a boy that might actually "like me back" and I would go through phases of "happiness." I would get my heart broken by false hopes when things didn't work out & I would be terribly unhappy. I didn't understand at that time in my life that what everyone thinks or what that one boy thinks, does not matter. I based so much of my teenage life "waiting for someone else to make [me] happy." I not once thought of it being a decision. My own decision.

I now know how important it is to be self-reliant & self-confident. Though someone else can enhance your happiness, you yourself have to make the initial decision to be happy. After I graduated high school, I was lost. All of my friends had gone away to school or had left on LDS missions & I was working & living at home. I got stuck in a routine. I would come straight home from work, watch an episode or 2 of my favorite show & then go to bed. I would wake up & the cycle would begin again. I felt stagnant, discontent & unhappy. I woke up one day & had a desire to make my life different. I woke up with hope that things could get better if I put in the effort. I jumped onto the "healthy-eating & 2 hours at the gym" train. I wasn't basing my decision off of anyone else. I wasn't losing weight for anyone else but me. I am beyond grateful for that desire. It has brought me so much joy & happiness, & so much more desire for other things.

Find that desire in yourself to become what you want to be. Find what goal or accomplishment you would like to fulfill & make it one of your top priorities. Make time for yourself to fulfill that desire & go for it. Full force. Don't wait for someone else to make you happy, because you can wait & wait & wait, & then you realize that it is you who has to decide.

Pinned Image

Friday, September 21, 2012

One Pound at a Time.

Work, photography, dieting, school, church, & personal time. These are just a few contributors to my ridiculously busy schedule. Life sometimes gets so busy I feel like I haven't stopped for days, even for one minute. What I consider downtime is sitting at my desk editing or doing homework. Being busy is a blessing; I haven't had time to be content or bored. But it also doesn't allow me to take a breath & realize how blessed I am. It is so easy to get caught up in day to day events when you're running on a schedule with an endless cycle.

I've never felt more busy in my life than I do now. My growing photography business, 40 hour work week day, & 9 credit hours...By the end of the day, I'm lucky if I get to cross 2 things off of my "To Do" list, & then I end up adding 1 or 2 others. Some of the busy-ness I've brought upon myself by choice, & I've heard from several people, "You know, saying No is okay." To me, it isn't. How could I turn down an opportunity to do what I love & build my photography business? I would love love LOVE to get to the point where I could cut down on my day time hours & kick up my photo hours. & some day, I know I will be able to get to that point if I sacrifice some personal time now. In the meantime, I will juggle as many things as I have to to get to that point!

To add to the stress of life, I've gained weight. (No surprise there!) Clint & I have jumped onto the calorie counting bandwagon full force! Since September 10th, I've been on a 1,300 calorie diet & I've already lost 7 lbs! Clint pinky swore that I would be down 20 lbs by Christmas, which right now, looks pretty do able!

I've been thinking a lot about support lately. Not in just a weight loss/motivation standpoint, but in every aspect of life. Trials & obstacles are extremely difficult to overcome without someone to lean on or talk to. In regards to weight loss, studies have shown that people lose more weight when they have a weight loss buddy! this is so true! I just think back on all of the goals that I've made, kept to myself, & never reached. Everyone needs someone to cheer them on in school, in parenthood, at work, with hobbies, everything. I never would have gotten to where I am today with my photography business without my amazing supporters. Same with my weight loss. 2 & a half years ago, I never would have said I could do it. My parents, siblings, & friends were amazing motivators (& shortly after I began, I met my husband to be)! Because they were cheering me on, helping & motivating me to eat right & listened to my frustrations, I lost 40 lbs! I never could have never could have done this on my own. From the moment I voiced my goal, I felt that it was my responsibility to absolutely keep that promise! The people around you who truly love you & want you to succeed; they are here to remind you of your potential & greatness! So trust in them & let them help you! & who knows, maybe you'll be the inspiration for them in return.

I am extremely grateful for my amazing husband, parents, siblings, family, friends, & anyone else who has helped me on my journey. I feel so blessed to have such amazing people in my life!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 14.5

It has been an interesting 5 weeks since the last time that I wrote. I have been stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, overjoyed, and confused. & through all of this I have become lax with my eating habits and I have gained 3 lbs. It makes my heart ache when I think of how excited I was to be so close to the 220's, but it is still within my grasp!

I know that throughout my entire life, this is going to be my prominent trial. My weight will fluctuate, especially when I start having children of my own. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who is there to motivate me & remind me how important it is to feel healthy & be active.

We went to the gym today and I have never felt better! I had an amazing strength and cardio workout, & an even more wonderful dinner. Clint & I have committed to go to the gym at LEAST 3 times this week. 1 day down, & we're only 1 day into the week!

I will be back on Saturday for another update :] Thank you for reading!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week Nine

Okay, I've been super negligent to my blogs lately. Not on purpose. Spring semester 2012 has officially come to a close, as of 10:34 this morning! Finals week is over & I can stop stressing & studying, & spend this summer with my wonderful husband.

Not only has school been a little hectic, but I've also been in the transition of getting a new job. I got hired at MediConnect Global & I start May 7. So getting all of that sorted out in addition to studying & sickness, it's been quite a task to keep up with my calorie counting.

Surprisingly enough, over the 3 weeks that I haven't written, I have lost 2.6 lbs! Bringing me down to 230.1! I can taste the 220's! It's so close. Next week, I will be there!

As I reflect on the difference between myself now & myself 42 lbs ago, the biggest difference is my confidence. I actually have faith in myself & the will power to keep going. I always sold myself short on what I could accomplish. & now that i can see exactly how far I've come, & I know what I can accomplish. Losing weight has been one of the most amazing things that I have ever chosen to do. For not only myself now, but my future self.

I only find it fitting to post a before & after photo :]

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week Six

I'm down to 232.7! That makes 10.2 pounds lost so far! It feels so great to know that i'm actually getting closer to my goal, but I haven't noticed much physically. I read somewhere, probably on pinterest (tss ss:]), that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your family to notice & 12 weeks for your friends to notice. I think that may be right.

I've found that it takes quite a lot more time to plan out meals when you're trying to eat healthy. So I invested in a cook book that has recipes that are 6 ingredients or less & are relatively low maintenance. I'm excited to put that to use this week & make some yummy dinner for the hubs & myself.

So, I suppose my thought this week is simplify. Try to find ways to simplify your day. Pre-seperate your meals for the week. Fill baggies of snacks that you can just grab & go. Mark your calendar with what days you are going to the gym so that you don't have to make the decision between staying home or working out when the day rolls around. I've found that doing all of these things, takes away the frustration of making decisions on the spot.

Well, another week down! Here's another week committed to making healthier & mindful decisions!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week Five (AKA AWOL)

Okay, these past few weeks have been insane to say the least.

We (my hubs & I) haven't been able to make it to the gym for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. I've felt like a fat lard, but it's not like we haven't been active. Although, we haven't been exactly mindful of our eating either. Better than before, but still not as great as we could be.

We've been consumed in moving my mother-in-law out of her home & into a new apartment. Which I totally count as a workout. Up & down hills, large loads to & from locations & for hours up to 6 at a time. Absolutely exhausting, but moreover, worth it. I love new beginnings & we are so thrilled for her to move  on to bigger & better opportunities!

In between LDS General Conference sessions yesterday, we pulled our bikes out of the garage for the first time this year & took an hour long bike ride. It was so nice to break away from our normal exercise routine & try something new, different & outside. The STRONG tail wind on the way to our destination was fabulous! Our trip home was consequently miserable. I've never had so much sand in my mouth or eyes. Okay, maybe I have, but not on a bike ride :]

I'm excited to spend this summer focusing on bettering myself & my husbands life. I think for me, it's just a matter of MAKING the time for exercise. It's not that we don't have the motivation, by any means. This is what I plan on doing this week. I am committing to at least 3 days of at least 45 minutes of gym time.

Yes, I am terrified to see what my weight is on that scale. No, it will not bring me down. I've still got my eyes on the prize. 190...190...190! 10 months. It's still possible!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week Three

Okay, I'm a couple days late, but last week actually went fairly well! I weighed in at 233.9! It felt amazing to know that my "hard work" has actually paid off these past couple of weeks, even though I haven't been as mindful about my eating. I seriously feel like I've been sick for the past 2 months. Flu, Cold, Another Cold. It's been delightful.

Spring break is now over & so is play time with visiting family members. It's time to kick back into gear.

Don't find the time, Make the time.

THAT is my thought this week. With how busy life is, finding time is going to be scarce. Build the habit by scheduling out your week in advance. You can't always plan everything minute by minute, but I always tell my husband that I'm going to go to the gym Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday or a variation of sorts. By telling someone else, you've made a commitment to yourself & the listener.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week Two.Five

Today was slightly discouraging.

I shopped at three different stores, only walking out with maybe one item of clothing. I haven't spent that much time shopping for clothes in 6 months, which coincidentally is about when I got married. Don't get me wrong, I have bought a few shirts & a pair of pants since then, but yesterday as I was looking in my closet, I got extremely frustrated. I was sick of all of my clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. I've always been one to like nice, new clothes, but I haven't had the money or time to go shop for myself. Nor have I had the energy to be let down when I find that none of the clothes I want or like fit.

Today was one of those days.

Even XXL at some places didn't quite fit. I was so frustrated, but I just thought to myself, "It's just the beginning. 15, even 10 more pounds will make you feel better."

& So, I went to Barnes & Noble, found myself a Low Calorie cookbook & I left feeling encouraged! One stupid day of shopping isn't going to bring down my spirits. Although this weigh in might. After 2 consecutive weeks of having family in town, no time to spend at the gym & a much larger amount of time eating, I'm not much looking forward to it. but how I react to what's going on in my life is completely up to me.

Note to Self: Be very mindful of what you eat this weekend, do not lower your standards just because it's an event.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week Two

This week has been rough. I caught some nasty cold/flu over the weekend & didn't have a chance to make it to the gym. It was frustrating, discouraging & miserable, but I kept reminding myself that it was only going to be for a few days & then I can jump right back into my routine.

I couldn't eat much. Mostly chicken broth & toast. Not much nutrition, but it's better than eating a bunch of fatty stuff.

The result of my week, was a loss of .5 lbs. That's it.. But as I look back on the past 2 and a half weeks & realize that i've already lost over 6 lbs, i'm okay with that .5. Next week better watch itself. I'm coming back full force! :]

This weeks thought is about Growing from Trials. Though it may be hard at times, all of it will be worth it. One of my favorite things to remember is that the Lord will never give me something that I can't handle. Therefore, I am going to get the most out of this experience. Being overweight is a weakness, but it's also one of my strengths. Some people have other personal trials, mine is this, which I can & will overcome.

That is all for this week, friends! Stay positive & healthy.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week One

After 10 days, I weighed in at 237.3 lbs! [a loss of 5.7 lbs!] Way more than expected & I can't even begin to express how overjoyed I am with that number. I'm only 11 lbs away from my weight last May & 47 lbs away from my long term goal.

My life lesson this week: Keep up the determination!

It is so easy to let yourself slip, even after a short amount of time. Life can get the best of you. With 3 classes at the U, 30 hours of work, a new church calling, a [relatively] new marriage & photography gigs on the side, life can get overwhelming. Now add at least 30 minutes of gym time to 5 out of 7 days a week. That's a hefty load, even for the most disciplined person [which I most definitely am not, but soon hope to be]. When you are determined & have reason & purpose embedded in your heart, you are bound to succeed. For me, It is thinking about my future family, how I want them to be active & healthy. I will not let them feel the way that I did as a child. 

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." - Colin Powell

Quite literally sweat & hard work, but in the end, I know that it will be all worth while. Through making my life better now, I can help make a difference in my husbands life, my family's lives, & most of all, the lives of my future children. 

Keeping yourself motivated & determined is key. Everyone falls into the, "Well, maybe I'll just have one..." & then you eat another, & another. I do not exclude myself from the pool, not in the slightest, but giving in to just one cookie, or piece of cake, or other indulgence, is risking what you want most. It scares the crap out of me to be in the same room as that business! But that is when I think in my head a line from one of my favorite movies of all time, 17 Again, "I'll buy all the students laptops!" "No" "You would deny the children laptops?! Ms. Masterson, The children!" & that is where my mind changes. Yes, it is a very distant comparison to my real reasoning, but it works. Everytime! 

So my advice this week, find what out you want out of life & make it happen! Easier said than done, but the sooner you begin...well...better now than later! :]

Until next week!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Today is the Day

Even from kindergarten, I have been overweight. It's been of the most heart-wrenching trials that I have ever had, but today is the day that it changes.

In July of 2010, I weighed in at a whopping 272 lbs. I started school full time & was working 20 hours a week. Life was pretty busy, but I let myself get enthralled in working out & calorie counting. By May of 2011, I had lost 46 lbs. That was the greatest & healthiest that I had ever felt. I was feeling less self-conscious & more like...Me. I hadn't felt that for a long time. I weighed 226 lbs. I was so close to the "teens" I could taste it. I went from wearing a 22 to a 16. I could run for more than 20 minutes straight, pump more weights than I ever thought I could & I was actually seeing muscle tone in my arms & shoulders. The most prominent difference was how thin my face was. Holy crap! I could see my jaw! I can't even begin to say how great I felt.. AMAZING..

& Then I got married, got caught up in cooking good, semi-healthy food, & lost all of the time that I had for myself. I no longer had the time to cook healthy, low-calorie food. I no longer had the time to spend 2 hours at the gym at least 5 times a week. 

Nearly 6 months into my my marriage & I've gained almost 20 lbs. YIKES

& So, Today it begins. Calorie Count Round Two. With my trusty MyFitnessPal app at my side, I can do anything.

My weight today: 244.3 lbs
My goal: to weigh less than 190 lbs by February 24, 2013

This blog is my weekly reminder that I'm doing this not only for me, but for my readers, if there are any. This year is going to be a year of change. Incredible, life-lasting change! 

Welcome to my journey.