Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week Nine

Okay, I've been super negligent to my blogs lately. Not on purpose. Spring semester 2012 has officially come to a close, as of 10:34 this morning! Finals week is over & I can stop stressing & studying, & spend this summer with my wonderful husband.

Not only has school been a little hectic, but I've also been in the transition of getting a new job. I got hired at MediConnect Global & I start May 7. So getting all of that sorted out in addition to studying & sickness, it's been quite a task to keep up with my calorie counting.

Surprisingly enough, over the 3 weeks that I haven't written, I have lost 2.6 lbs! Bringing me down to 230.1! I can taste the 220's! It's so close. Next week, I will be there!

As I reflect on the difference between myself now & myself 42 lbs ago, the biggest difference is my confidence. I actually have faith in myself & the will power to keep going. I always sold myself short on what I could accomplish. & now that i can see exactly how far I've come, & I know what I can accomplish. Losing weight has been one of the most amazing things that I have ever chosen to do. For not only myself now, but my future self.

I only find it fitting to post a before & after photo :]

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week Six

I'm down to 232.7! That makes 10.2 pounds lost so far! It feels so great to know that i'm actually getting closer to my goal, but I haven't noticed much physically. I read somewhere, probably on pinterest (tss ss:]), that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your family to notice & 12 weeks for your friends to notice. I think that may be right.

I've found that it takes quite a lot more time to plan out meals when you're trying to eat healthy. So I invested in a cook book that has recipes that are 6 ingredients or less & are relatively low maintenance. I'm excited to put that to use this week & make some yummy dinner for the hubs & myself.

So, I suppose my thought this week is simplify. Try to find ways to simplify your day. Pre-seperate your meals for the week. Fill baggies of snacks that you can just grab & go. Mark your calendar with what days you are going to the gym so that you don't have to make the decision between staying home or working out when the day rolls around. I've found that doing all of these things, takes away the frustration of making decisions on the spot.

Well, another week down! Here's another week committed to making healthier & mindful decisions!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week Five (AKA AWOL)

Okay, these past few weeks have been insane to say the least.

We (my hubs & I) haven't been able to make it to the gym for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. I've felt like a fat lard, but it's not like we haven't been active. Although, we haven't been exactly mindful of our eating either. Better than before, but still not as great as we could be.

We've been consumed in moving my mother-in-law out of her home & into a new apartment. Which I totally count as a workout. Up & down hills, large loads to & from locations & for hours up to 6 at a time. Absolutely exhausting, but moreover, worth it. I love new beginnings & we are so thrilled for her to move  on to bigger & better opportunities!

In between LDS General Conference sessions yesterday, we pulled our bikes out of the garage for the first time this year & took an hour long bike ride. It was so nice to break away from our normal exercise routine & try something new, different & outside. The STRONG tail wind on the way to our destination was fabulous! Our trip home was consequently miserable. I've never had so much sand in my mouth or eyes. Okay, maybe I have, but not on a bike ride :]

I'm excited to spend this summer focusing on bettering myself & my husbands life. I think for me, it's just a matter of MAKING the time for exercise. It's not that we don't have the motivation, by any means. This is what I plan on doing this week. I am committing to at least 3 days of at least 45 minutes of gym time.

Yes, I am terrified to see what my weight is on that scale. No, it will not bring me down. I've still got my eyes on the prize. 190...190...190! 10 months. It's still possible!