Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 14.5

It has been an interesting 5 weeks since the last time that I wrote. I have been stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, overjoyed, and confused. & through all of this I have become lax with my eating habits and I have gained 3 lbs. It makes my heart ache when I think of how excited I was to be so close to the 220's, but it is still within my grasp!

I know that throughout my entire life, this is going to be my prominent trial. My weight will fluctuate, especially when I start having children of my own. Luckily, I have an amazing husband who is there to motivate me & remind me how important it is to feel healthy & be active.

We went to the gym today and I have never felt better! I had an amazing strength and cardio workout, & an even more wonderful dinner. Clint & I have committed to go to the gym at LEAST 3 times this week. 1 day down, & we're only 1 day into the week!

I will be back on Saturday for another update :] Thank you for reading!