Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today is the Day!

I anxiously (but mostly hesitantly) stepped on the scale today, a little terrified of what I might see. I haven't done super well with my calories these past few days. I caught some lame cold on Halloween & spent a whole lot of time sitting on my couch & sleeping. It's funny how a few lazy days can make you feel like you've gained 20 pounds. & honestly, felt that I had.

Miraculously enough, 219.4! Two-Nineteen, People! I have reached my goal of "the 2-teens"! & A month & a half early no less! I literally lept for joy! Clint was a witness of this :] Then Clint weighed in & he had lost 2.5 pounds. I am so proud of him & so grateful for the love & support that him & I can share.

This goal was one that I created while Clint & I were dating. I got so close! I believe that the lowest I got before my wedding was 224. & then of course...marriage. That darned thing! :] 20 pounds heavier & then 25 pounds lighter! Here I am & I'm still truckin'! & now it's time to set another short term goal!

210 by Mexico! not to be confused with 310 to Yuma... I would much rather go to Puerto Vallarta, than Yuma, Arizona & I definitely don't want to be 310 pounds...EVER! So here it goes 210 pounds by January 18th! I'm up for the challenge, but man, the more I lose the more I become dependent on my calories for energy. & the more I lose, the "less" I can eat. When I started counting calories on September 10, 2012, I was at 1360 calories, now I'm down to an even 1200. At first, it was difficult to be okay with leaving the meal still feeling hungry, but now it has completely changed. My stomach has shrunk & I have learned that it is okay to be hungry! I have also learned to enjoy my food & eat slowly. Seriously a blessing.

Now go out & share your goals! The people around you can be amazing motivators & can help much! Also, feel free to ask me questions! I want to be here to help, inspire, motivate & enlighten :]

Yours Truly,

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